Joy Story - The Fucking Academy is a 3D animated TV series. It follows a group of young sex toys struggling with real life problems while going to the sex toy school, called the Fucking Academy. They find and lose friends, struggle with bullies or teachers, question their purpose and develop and improve their abilities that make them unique or come to terms with the fact that they are just one of many. We experience most of the stories through the eyes of an anxious and undefined toy which itself doesn’t even know what it is or what it can do. Throughout the series we see it struggling with its uncertainty, getting bullied for that and eventually discovering its purpose. The further cast includes stereotypical classmates of the undefined toy that have their own concerns and problems but are much more confident about their place in this world of sextoys, or maybe not?
Story/Concept: Meike Simons, Yariv Lidor, Jordan Sitzwohl, Susanne Mostögl, Laura Aschbacher
Character Design/Rigging: Madeleine Haider, Marie Dokter
Environment Design: Kerstin Oswald, Marie Dokter
Animation: Kerstin Oswald, Marie Dokter, Jordan Sitzwohl
Sound Design: Hanna Brühwiler, Madeleine Haider
GROW3D Animation
Butterfly and FeatherFilm Assets
Soap Bubble StoriesSimulations
ÖBBussi3D Illustration | Animation
Painted HormonesVR Art Piece
ART SHAPES3D Illustration / Animation
LETTER SOUP3D Illustration | Animation
FUNKY CASETTE3D Illustration/Animation
RETRACEMusic Video | 3D Animation
© 2021 | MarieDokter
© 2021 | Marie Dokter